Effects of annealing on silicon vacancy brightness
Recently, working with Johns Hopkins APL, we started looking at the effects of annealing and quenching on the relative brightness of the...
New paper out in Solid State Communications
We just released results on high-defect density Si vacancies created through proton implantation! Check it out We find a reduction by a...
Diamond spin results
First optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) results from the Navy Quantum Lab! An isotopically purified sample of diamond...
The lab continues to expand. This summer, we installed a room temperature magneto optical system capable of measure defects both in...
Coherence of silicon vacancies as function of implantation depth
Newest paper on the arxiv here: https://arxiv.org/abs/1812.10432
Quantum biology
Quantum theory is a pinnacle of human achievement. With it, physicists were able to empirically explain the behavior of quantum systems...
Confocal awesomeness
Some images of the summer's activities...a new microscope (with 532nm and 730nm tuneable excitation)
A quantum life
Quantum information processing and computing has rapidly moved into the mainstream; even the new prime minister of Canada can passably...